All our Policies and Procedures are available to read on our notice board and full copies can be downloaded below here.
Arrival and Collection
On arrival at Preschool please hand over your child to the welcoming Key Workers. Parents of new children may stay for part of the first session in order to settle their child in. Children may bring a comforter – blanket, teddy, but dummies are discouraged. Staff will talk to parents if there are any problems with a child settling in.
Where there is a change to the person collecting a child please inform us in writing (via text), if this is an individual not already named on the child’s registration form. The telephone number at Tithe Barn is 07518 134 495 if you need to contact us during the Preschool session.
If a child is not collected at the end of a session, efforts will be made after 10 minutes to contact the parents and after a further 15 minutes the emergency contacts. After a further hour, if a child is still not collected the Children and Families Help Desk will be informed. However, during this time we will continue to safely look after the child.
It is our policy to keep children safe when they are at Preschool, promote good health and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection within the setting. No child will be allowed at Preschool if they are ill and a parent will be contacted immediately if a child becomes poorly during the session. Please allow 48 hours before a child returns after sickness or diarrhoea. Please telephone or text: 07518 134 495 if your child is absent. We are required by the Government Funding to record the reason for absences.
If medication needs to be given during a session, please speak to the staff and complete a form giving permission and full instructions. All our staff are First-Aid trained and are competent with administering inhalers and Epi-pens. You will be notified if your child has needed their medication during Preschool. If your child is taking any kind of medicine for the first time eg penicillin, please keep them off Preschool for 24 hours in case of any allergic reaction.
Accident Forms
Any accident, however minor, will be logged on our Accident Forms. If an entry is made, a parent/carer will be asked to sign the paperwork when collecting their child. We also need to know about any accidents your child has had prior to a session.
Going to the toilet
Please talk to the staff if your child is not toilet trained. A named bag with a change of underwear and spare clothes should be brought to the session. Children are escorted to the toilet, but are encouraged to be independent, so please dress your child appropriately.
We provide aprons for messy play, but please try not to send your child in their ‘best’ clothes. Sensible flat shoes or trainers should be worn, no open toed sandals (for safety when joining in with physical play). Please remember to bring a change of shoes when wearing wellies to Preschool. Children should have appropriate outdoor clothing for when playing outside as we are expected to go outside in most weather. Stud earrings, not hooped, should be worn in the interest of safety. Please ensure all your child’s belongings are named.
At the Tithe Barn Preschool we have an optional t-shirt that can be purchased for your child to wear. This will prepare them for Primary School when uniform is compulsory, and can help them to feel part of our family.
Safeguarding Children
At the Tithe Barn Preschool, our first responsibility and priority is towards the children in our care. If we have any cause for concern we will report it to the relevant bodies, following the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) procedures. Our full Safeguarding Policy can be found on our notice board or downloaded below. Our staff have attended the relevant Safeguarding, PREVENT and British Values courses.
We aim to work in close partnership with all parents but in the event of a complaint, a parent should talk to a member of staff. Most minor complaints can be resolved quickly and informally. A more serious complaint may be dealt with by the parent making an appointment with the teacher. If you wish to make a formal complaint then you can contact the Ofsted Complaints and Investigation Unit on 0300 123 1231 or you can write to them at Applications, Regulatory and Contact Team, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD. The Ofsted Parent Poster will also be on our notice board with the contact details.
Download links for our Policies:
Self Evaluation Form 2022-2023
Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy
Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
Equality & Inclusive Practise Policy